The Handsworth Athletics is incredibly fortunate to have had a great number of student-athletes go on to pursue successful post-secondary athletic careers. These include collegiate and university athletes, national level players, professional athletes and Olympians. These alumni serve as inspiring examples for our student-athletes and are deserving of recognition.
During the 2021-22 school year, an Athletics sub-committee met to discuss the manner in which alumni athletes are recognized, and to set the stage for future recognition. This sub-committee was comprised of all our community stakeholders, including students, staff coaches and sponsors, parents, and our Athletic Coordinator.
The committee sought to honour past recognition of athletes that had historically been done through the mounting of signed jerseys in the gymnasium. And to create a new tradition that would be more inclusive and accessible to a wider arrange of alumni athletes.
Beginning in our new school, alumni athletes who meet the following criteria are invited to submit their names for inclusion in our Wall of Honour:
- Junior National Team Members
- Senior National Team Members
- Olympians
- Professional Athletes
- Highly Decorated Collegiate / University Athletes
In addition to these criteria, special consideration will be given to graduated student-athletes who also deserve recognition due to unique circumstance.
The Athletic Council reserves the right to review all submissions for approval, and to also approve additional exceptional names that may not meet the aforementioned criteria.
Alumni who believe they are worthy of consideration may submit their name and description of accomplishments via the online form. Nominations may also come from third parties, provided the person being nominated is aware and consents to being nominated. The school and Athletic Coordinator, as a general rule, will not be responsible for actively soliciting for nominees. The responsibility for submissions will lay with the alumni themselves, or a third party.
The signed jerseys of the past will be mounted in the new school in an alternate location to be determined, with the provisional plan being the new Weight Training room. Our first 'class' of submissions for the Wall of Honour will be all the alumni whose signed jerseys we currently have mounted.
Submissions will be reviewed annually at the end of each school year, and new plaques will be mounted once annually after being vetted and approved by council.
Submissions may be made via the Microsoft Form found HERE.